There are numerous ways to improve the K40, but here are some articles that highlight the most major changes and repairs you may make.
The most common are optical and exhaust modifications.
After utilizing the K40 for a time, adjustments to the gantry and other moving elements are routinely made to increase the K40’s accuracy and dependability for better work.

Our articles cover a wide range of topics, including upgrades that you should and can make.

What type of upgrades you need to do with your K40 laser relies entirely on the work you conduct with it.

K40 laser upgrades

One comprehensive article on the K40 laser machine's repairs, upgrades, and enhancements.

Fix your laser head

Here's how to improve the well-known air assist head if you've already purchased one.

Upgraded power control

Upgrade your analog power control to a easier setup to set correct power levels.

Convert from digital to analog

Put an analog potentiometer setup in place of your digital panel. This will help you with more accurate power settings.

3D printed parts – in a laser?

Home and desktop machines like lasers, 3D printers, and other CNC are now more widely available to everyone, which leads to a lot of modifications and add-ons that can extend or improve your k40 laser.

Prevent condensation on the laser tube

Condensation may form on your tube in humid or hot environments, and it may also do so in environments with lower indoor temperatures or with very cold coolant flows.

Upgrade your K40 power supply

Upgrading the PSU before use will stop the PSU problems if the tube goes bad or the rectifier burns to prevent damaging the flyback. The upgrade is a couple of dollars worth, but can save you a lot of waiting and head ache later.